Woman looking at objects behind glass at the British Museum, London.


The community partnerships team works to build meaningful and engaging relationships with local communities in London and the surrounding counties.

We deliver an innovative, broad-ranging programme of activities, collaborative projects and learning opportunities with, and for, local communities.

We aim to make the Museum a meeting place for cross-cultural exchange and engagement and to remove barriers to participation. We build relationships with community partners that deepens both collection and community knowledge, celebrates the contribution of our communities and affects positive societal change.



Our programmes explore varied methods of engagement to facilitate greater understanding of our collection and to make connections with our communities. We tailor our offer to suit the needs and interests of our communities, enabling wider access.

Our programmes seek to promote learning and participation, encourage discussion, increase confidence and  contribute to wellbeing through inspiring and creative engagement with culture and heritage.

Find out more about our programmes



We work with community organisations, charities, communities of interest and interested individuals to explore, research and respond to the Museum collections in mutually beneficial and productive ways through innovative projects. Past projects have included work with supplementary schools, young people, creative arts partnerships and LGBTQ. 

This work enables us to engage with communities that reflect its London and global context and to enable community knowledge and diverse lived experiences to be visible and represented in the Museum and beyond.

Our project work continually evolves to ensure we're best meeting the needs and interests of our audiences. 

Collaborations can take the form of community-led collections research initiatives, co-curation and co-interpretation of displays and exhibitions and co-designed programmes of events and workshops.

Find out more about our project work

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