One of the Ramesseum Papyri, part of a Partnership Loan to the Manchester Museum

Partnership galleries

Since 2003 the British Museum has worked with a number of partner museums to develop a series of Partnership Galleries.

The galleries are developed collaboratively to form part of the permanent displays at museums across the UK, with the British Museum supporting the curatorial research, object selection and display.

The galleries bring together the partner museum's collections with carefully chosen objects from the British Museum to create unique long-term displays. Each gallery represents an ongoing relationship with the partner museum.

South Asia Gallery – Manchester Museum

South Asia Gallery – Manchester Museum

Manchester Museum will open the first permanent gallery in the UK to celebrate the experiences and contribution of the South Asian diaspora created in partnership with the British Museum as part of its 'hello future' redevelopment project.

Co-curated with members of the South Asian community in a Collective, the partnership gallery will display 45 objects on long-term loan from the British Museum.

At the heart of the South Asia gallery will be a unique project space, dedicated to providing a changing public programme from, and inspired by, South Asia.

Visit the Manchester Museum website to find out more.

Medieval Gallery – Norwich Castle Keep

Medieval Gallery – Norwich Castle Keep

The new British Museum Medieval Partnership Gallery is part of a redevelopment project that will open up the Castle Keep by reinstating Norman floors and rooms so visitors can access an additional five floors for the first time.

This will transform the site and allow immersion into the sights and sounds of Norwich Castle during its heyday as a royal palace.

The result will bring to life one of Europe's most important 12th-century buildings right in the heart of Norwich, one of Europe's most complete medieval cities.

The gallery, which will open in 2024, will showcase treasures from Norwich Castle's collections alongside objects from the British Museum's collection.

Visit the Norwich Castle website to find out more.

The Roman Frontier – Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery

The Roman Frontier – Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery

The Roman Frontier: stories beyond Hadrian's Wall, showcases Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery's significant Roman collections complemented by objects loaned from the British Museum since 2014.

The gallery tells the story of the Empire's northernmost frontier, occupied by the Romans for 400 years, and examines frontiers, looking at how Hadrian's Wall relates to modern borders.

Loaned objects from the Museum's collections include a depiction of Venus in a relief from a tomb and a marble statue of the goddess Fortuna.

Egyptian Treasures – Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery

Egyptian Treasures – Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery

Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery reopened in July 2006 after a £30 million Heritage Lottery funded restoration and redisplay, attracting more than 1.3 million visitors in the first three months.

Integrated with Glasgow's own collection of ancient Egyptian material, the Egyptian Treasures gallery features the long-term loan of 84 items from the British Museum.

These include the upper half of a black granite statue of Queen Nefertari, a female mummy excavated in Thebes and a glazed baboon figure.

Unwrapping the Past: ancient worlds gallery – Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro

Unwrapping the Past: ancient worlds gallery – Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro

This permanent partnership gallery showcases what it was like to live in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.

It features objects on loan from the British Museum as part of the National Programmes, as well as those from the Royal Institution of Cornwall's collections.

Objects on loan since 2012 for the British Museum Partnership Gallery Unwrapping the Past include a granodiorite statue of Sekhmet, the Lion Goddess, and bronze figurines of Hermes and Cerberus.

Ancient Egypt Gallery – Great North Museum, Newcastle

Ancient Egypt Gallery – Great North Museum, Newcastle

The Great North Museum's Ancient Egypt Gallery, which opened in 2009, is an exploration of life and death in ancient Egypt.

The exhibition takes visitors on a journey which explores how the ancient Egyptians were shaped by the Nile, how they lived their everyday lives and their mystical religious beliefs.

The exhibition is enhanced by objects on loan from the British Museum including a limestone statue of Ramses II, a cast of the Rosetta stone and papyrus sections of the Book of the Dead.

Visitors can take a dramatic journey through the transition from Life to Death by passing through a tunnel which spans a virtual River Nile.

Roman York, Yorkshire Museum

Roman York, Yorkshire Museum

Roman York: Meet the People of the Roman Empire, open since 2010, tells the story of the cosmopolitan city of Eboracum (the Roman name for York), using loans from the British Museum to illustrate Yorkshire's links to the wider Roman Empire and beyond.

Key loans from the British Museum include a portrait bust of Roman Emperor Caracalla, a bronze figure of Hercules and a gem that has been engraved with a portrait of a Libyan.

As part of this partnership, the Yorkshire Museum and the British Museum shared not only objects, but also expertise.

In particular, the two museums collaborated around their coins and medals collections.

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